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Arizona   New Mexico   Oklahoma   Texas



Source: Arizona Board of Nursing

Type of Guidance: Board of Nursing Advisory Opinion (03/12)
Impact: RNs
Guidance*:Advisory Opinion on Moderate Sedation for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures (3-2012) - Page 1

It is within the scope of practice of a Registered Nurse (RN) to administer medications* to provide conscious sedation for the purposes of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures as specified training and knowledge requirements are met.

*Medications may include those classified as anesthetic agents, but are not to be administered to provide anesthesia.

Read the Board’s advisory opinion and requirements.

Arizona Board of Nursing
Type of Guidance:Board of Nursing Advisory Opinion (03/11)
Guidance*:Advisory Opinion on Nitrous Oxide Administration(3-2011) – Page 1

It is within the Scope of Practice of a Registered Nurse (RN) to administer nitrous oxide as a single agent, not to be administered concurrently with any other sedative or depressant.

The intent of administering nitrous oxide is to achieve minimal sedation (anxiolysis). This procedure is performed by Registered Nurses with additional education, skills, and demonstrated competency. This advisory opinion CAN NOT be construed as approval for the RN to administer an anesthetic as in A.R.S. §32-1661.

Read the Board’s advisory opinion and requirements.

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New Mexico


Source:New Mexico Board of Nursing
Type of Guidance:New Mexico Nurse Practice Act – 1978 (4-2005)
Impact: RNs
Guidance*:Chapter 61-3-6 Administration of Anesthetics (4/7/2005)

It is unlawful for any person, other than a person licensed in New Mexico to practice medicine, osteopathy or dentistry or a currently licensed certified registered nurse anesthetist, to administer anesthetics to any person.

Nothing in this section prohibits a person currently licensed pursuant to the Nursing Practice Act from using hypnosis or from administering local anesthetics or moderate sedation.

Read NMSA 1978 Chapter 61, Article 3-6

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Source:Oklahoma Board of Nursing
Type of Guidance:Nursing Guideline 7/11
Impact: RNs
Guidance*:Moderate (Conscious) Sedation Guidelines for Registered Nurse Managing and Monitoring Patients(7/26/11)

The registered nurse (RN) is authorized by institutional policy to administer, manage and/or monitor moderate (conscious) sedation of patients for short-term therapeutic, diagnostic or surgical procedures provided specified knowledge and training requirements are met.These guidelines do not apply to deep sedation.

A licensed nurse who is not a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist may not administer or monitor any and all drugs used in general anesthesia or moderate (conscious) sedation if the drug manufacturer's general warning advises the drug should be administered and monitored by persons experienced in the use of general anesthesia who are not involved in the conduct of the surgical and/or diagnostic procedure.

Read the Board of Nursing Guideline

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Source:Texas Board of Nursing
Type of Guidance:Board of Nursing Position Statement(01/14)
Impact: RNs
Guidance*: Position Statement 15.8 Role of the Nurse in Moderate Sedation (1-2015)Role of the RN or non-CRNA Advanced Practice Nurse

As the NPA and rules are not prescriptive to specific tasks a nurse may or may not perform, a RN or non-CRNA advanced practice nurse should consider evidence-based practice guidelines put forth by professional organizations with clinical expertise in the administration of pharmacologic agents used for sedation/anesthesia as well as advanced airway management and cardiovascular support.

Use of Specific Pharmacologic Agents

The Board advises the RN or non-CRNA advanced practice registered nurse use caution, however, in deciding whether or not s/he has the competency to administer the specific pharmacologic agents ordered by the physician. What is within the scope of practice for one RN is not necessarily within the scope of practice for another RN.

RNs or non-CRNA Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Administering Propofol, Ketamine, or Other Anesthetic Agents to Non-Intubated Patients


It is the position of the Board that the administration of anesthetic agents (e.g. propofol, methohexital, ketamine, and etomidate) is outside the scope of practice for RNs and non-CRNA advanced practice registered nurses except in the following situations:

  • When assisting in the physical presence of a CRNA or anesthesiologist
  • When administering these medications as part of a clinical experience within an advanced educational program of study that prepares the individual for licensure as a nurse anesthetist (i.e. when functioning as a student nurse anesthetist)
  • When administering these medications to patients who are intubated and mechanically ventilated in critical care settings
  • When assisting an individual with current competence in advanced airway management, including emergency intubation procedures
  • When utilizing a US FDA approved Computer-Assisted Personalized Sedation System in accordance with the US FDA approval requirements, where appropriate safety requirements are met (such as availability of anesthesia providers) after completing appropriate training
Read the Board of Nursing Position Statement

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*This page last updated 5/6/2015.The summaries, links and other materials provided on this page are for informational purposes only, may not be comprehensive or applicable to your situation, and nothing on this website constitutes medical, nursing or legal advice.Other rules or regulations may apply.Please consult a lawyer to determine compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.Please consult the Arizona State Board of Nursing or other appropriate medical professionals or administrators before administering anesthetic or sedative products, to determine proper conduct in your particular situation, to assess currentness of regulations, and to comply with individual facility guidelines and policies.
